Peter Greer: "Growth is an outcome that God might or may not bless us with, but what is much more important is, 'Are we remaining true and are we remaining faithful?' " |
"Organizations that start with a clear and compelling call to proclaim Christ over time drift away from that founding identity. This is mission drift, and every organization is susceptible to drifting," Peter said. He shared the following five points that can help leaders make sure their organizations do not drift from their mission.
- Believe the Gospel matters. "Our theology matters. Where there is loose theology, there is loose practice, and where there is loose practice, individuals are not making the necessary decisions to remain mission true."
- Believe that drift happens. "Make practical decisions to prevent it from happening. Organizations that remain 'mission true' have a high level of intentionality."
- Differentiate the mission from the means. "Mission is what never changes, but the means [to accomplish the mission] are going to continue to change and adapt."
- Hire for heart and head. "It is so easy to be impressed with a resume, with experience, and credentials that we forget to ask the most important question of mission and personal passions."
- You get what you measure. "Faithfulness is our calling, not growth. Growth can be wildly misleading if it causes us not to ask other questions of quality and faithfulness. Growth is an outcome that God might or may not bless us with, but what is much more important is, 'Are we remaining true and are we remaining faithful?' "
Peter ended his message with practical suggestions for three groups of stakeholders at CCT.
He challenged board members to be the guardians of the CCT Mission. "Make sure there is long-term faithfulness, a long walk of obedience in the same direction," he said.
He asked corporate members who are given a special position at CCT to "bring a word of truth or rebuke to help us see what we can't see ourselves."
Finally, he reminded staff members that, "It is possible to be so focused on our mission that we forget our mission to people that live in the same home. He said that his prayer for CCT staff is that "there would be full alignment with what you are trying to see in the families you serve as well as in the families you live with; that you would be blessed as you bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all corners of the Philippines as you would be blessed as you bring the good news of Jesus Christ to all corners of your home."
CCT's 24th annual membership meeting was held at the Wack-wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City, on March 19, 2015.
For inquiries about where to purchase copies of Mission Drift in the Philippines, please call 524-18-10, local 214.
CCT's 24th annual membership meeting was held at the Wack-wack Golf and Country Club in Mandaluyong City, on March 19, 2015.
For inquiries about where to purchase copies of Mission Drift in the Philippines, please call 524-18-10, local 214.